島根大学法文学部紀要. 文学科編

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
.Volume 23
Notes on Shichiju-ichi-ban Shokunin Uta-awase(Part XV)
PP. 1 - 23
Some Aspects of "Adjective+Mu"Predicate
Yoshida Shigeki
PP. 25 - 46
On the Verious Aspects of Pottery at the End of the Initial~the Beginning of the Early Jomon Period in San'in District
PP. 29 - 46
Die Dramen von Siegfried Lenz
Mizuuchi Tohru
PP. 47 - 67
Eine Arbeit uber "die Flucht ohne Ende" von J. Roth
Minokuchi Takeshi
PP. 69 - 84
Analyse des habitudes alimentaires des personnages dans I'oeuvre Madame Bovary
PP. 113 - 134