Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science
.Volume 21
A Study of Achievement Motivation in Mathematics Learning(V) : On the Factor Structure of Anxiety in Mathematics Learning and Its Change
PP. 1 - 8
Eine Foeschung von Musik und Bewegung : Die Eigenschaft der Eurythmie
Okubo Sachiko
PP. 9 - 16
A Study on Teaching Methods in Shot Put.(Part 3) : on the Shot Put from a Standing Position
PP. 17 - 23
Athletes' Perception of Coach's Power Resources in High School Volleyball Teams
Ito Toyohiko
Mori Yasushi
PP. 25 - 30
PP. 31 - 37
A Study on Achievement Motivation in Technological Education(I) : On the Relationship between Achievemant Motivation and Problem Solving Performance in Descriptive Geometry Learning
Oguni Hiroaki
PP. 39 - 46
A Study of Attitudes toward Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry in Technical College Students
Oguni Hiroaki
Ito Toshihiko
PP. 47 - 60
The Relation between Motor Ability and Intellectual Development
PP. 61 - 70
Theories and Models in the Study of Fear-Arousing Communications
Fukada Hiromi
PP. 71 - 79
Bibliographie uber die Geschichte des deutschen Lehrers(I) (1945-1985)
PP. 81 - 96
Some Idea on Teaching Written Expression in the Classroom
Tanaka Eiichi
Oka Toshimichi
PP. 1 - 30
The Leading College of Engineering in Meiji Era of Japan : Its Social Foundation and changing Process (Part 1)
Ohyodo Syoichi
PP. 31 - 54