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島根大学生物資源科学部研究報告 16 巻
2011-09-30 発行
建設企業等の農商工分野進出による地域経済への影響 : 島根県奥出雲町産業連関分析を中心に
Influence on Regional Economy by the Entry into the Field of Agriculture and Commerce and Industry Sectors such as Local Construction Companies : Mainly on Interindustry analysis of Okuizumo-cho in Shimane prefecture
( 1.03 MB )
The revitalization of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and small business are the most important problems in the hilly and mountainous areas. These industries in the areas are related each other and it is necessary to build economic activities to circulate resources in the local inside.
From such a background, it is very important to entry into the field of agriculture and commerce and industry sectors such as local construction companies for the development of the regional economy. In other words this construction companies utilize the farmland which is not used by this and can create agriculture products and the many employment opportunities.
In this study we calculated the amount of influence on regional economy by the entry into the field of agriculture and commerce and industry sectors such as local construction companies by the inter?industry relations table of Okuizumo]?cho in the Shimane prefecture which was made as a case in this research. And, the outline of the industrial structure in the Okuizumo?cho was understood by the Okuizumo?cho inter?industry relations table.
From such a background, it is very important to entry into the field of agriculture and commerce and industry sectors such as local construction companies for the development of the regional economy. In other words this construction companies utilize the farmland which is not used by this and can create agriculture products and the many employment opportunities.
In this study we calculated the amount of influence on regional economy by the entry into the field of agriculture and commerce and industry sectors such as local construction companies by the inter?industry relations table of Okuizumo]?cho in the Shimane prefecture which was made as a case in this research. And, the outline of the industrial structure in the Okuizumo?cho was understood by the Okuizumo?cho inter?industry relations table.
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