Bulletin of Shimane Medical University

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Bulletin of Shimane Medical University 11
1988-12-01 発行


Two Cases of Heavy Infection of Anisakis Larvae
Abe, Kenji
Yamane, Yosuke
Okita, Eiichi
Okita, shuji
Okita, Ohji
Nakamura, Tsukasa
Two rare cases of heavy infection with Anisakis larvae are reported. The patients, a 41-year-old and a 65-year-old man, complained of acute abdominalpain after consumption of raw mackerel. Six whitish and thin thread-like worms were found in the stomack of each patient by gastro-endoscopy. The worms isolated from the stomack wall were identified as Anisakis Tyep-I larvae. The detailed morpholgical characteristics of the larvae were obseved by scanning electron microscopy.