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島根医科大学紀要 11
1988-12-01 発行


Two Cases of Heavy Infection of Anisakis Larvae
阿部 顕治
山根 洋右
沖田 瑛一
沖田 秀二
沖田 旺治
中村 司
Two rare cases of heavy infection with Anisakis larvae are reported. The patients, a 41-year-old and a 65-year-old man, complained of acute abdominalpain after consumption of raw mackerel. Six whitish and thin thread-like worms were found in the stomack of each patient by gastro-endoscopy. The worms isolated from the stomack wall were identified as Anisakis Tyep-I larvae. The detailed morpholgical characteristics of the larvae were obseved by scanning electron microscopy.