Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 20
1986-12-20 発行

長柱の座屈理論に基づく樹高曲線式の検討(第2報) : 材積式の誘導とその適合性

Height curve derived from the theory of column buckling(2) : Derivation of volume equation and its applicability
Inada, Mitsuo
A mathematical model for describing diameter-volume relationships was derived theoretically. The model is based on the assumptions that the diameter-height relationships are expressed by the height curve deriyed from the theory of column buckling, and that the stem form is expressed by the Kunze's stem-curve equation. The model is a kind of one-variable volume equation, and its mathematical expression is
V = bD^<8/3>
where V : volume
D : diameter
b : constant.
The value of D's exponent, 8/3, was exalmined by comparing with 6 actual yield tables and 249 volume tables. The value(8/3) is reasonable, and the model may have a practical use.