Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 12
1978-12-15 発行


Studies on soil erosion of sloped farmland(I)
Imao, Akio
In the present paper, among factors relevant to the water erosion of soil, the relation between the rainfall intensity and slop sharpe in decomposed granite soil was elucidated using alaboratory rainfall simulator and inclined soil tank. The main points of result obtained are as follows :
(1) A critical slope sharpe in which the volume of erosion increased in quick order was about 28-36per cent. (2) The volulme of erosion increased linearly with the time elapsed. (3) The erosion was a selective type for partical size of soil in case of gentle slope sharpe. This result will be of use to the planning for land reclamation or soil and water conservations.