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島根大学理学部紀要 27 巻
1993-12-25 発行
好アルカリ性細菌,Bacillus S1-3の呼吸鎖キノンの同定について
Identification of Respiratory Quinones from an Alkalophilic Bacterium, Bacillus sp. S1-3
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The respiratory quinones of an alkalophilic Bacillus sp. S1-3 were investigated. Quinones of the B. S1-3 were extracted and purified by reverse-phase partition high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) following thin-layer chromatography. Similar to other members of the genus Bacillus, the B, S1-3 also contained menaquinones as a sole respiratory quinone. However, the main menaquinone type produced by B. S1-3 was the menaquinone with six isoprenoid units (MK-6) instead of MK-7, which is believed to be the main menaquinone type found in the genus Bacillus.
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