
Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University
.Volume 25
Note on Periodic Instantons
Matsunaga Hiromichi
PP. 1 - 5
A Maximin Cut Problem on a Infinite Network
Yamasaki Maretsugu
PP. 7 - 14
A Modification of the Newton Method from a Viewpoint of Statistical Testing Methods
Morita Tsukuo Eguchi Shinto
PP. 15 - 19
Representations of P-Congruences on P-Regular Semigroups
Okamoto Yosuke Imaoka Teruo
PP. 21 - 37
A Class of Double Lie Algebras on Simple Lie Algebras and Projectivity of Simple Lie Groups
Sanami Manabu Kikkawa Michihiko
PP. 39 - 44
A Structure Theory of Freudenthal-Kantor Triple Systems(IV)
Kamiya Noriaki
PP. 45 - 51
Regulation of Motile Iridophores of the Floating Goby, Chaenogobius sp. 2
Iga Tetsuro Asari Taichi
PP. 53 - 61
Regulation of Cell Volume in Escherichia coli : L-form NC7
Onoda Tetsuo Oshima Akinobu Tanaka Hiroyuki
PP. 63 - 72
A Neutral pH-insensitive Mutant of Alkalophilic Bacillus sp. ASSC-2
Oshima Akinobu Onoda Tetsuo
PP. 73 - 83
Records of Aquatic Macrophyte Flora and Environmental Factors from the Irrigation Ponds around Lake Shinji, Shimane, Japan
Kunii Hidenobu Knii Kayoko Aso Kaoru Sakata Kazuhiko
PP. 85 - 96
Note on the Marine Algal Flora of the Oki Isls(XI)
Kajimura Mitsuo
PP. 97 - 106
Description of a new Follicucullus species from Southwest Japan
PP. 107 - 118
"Dimorphic pairs" of Albaillellaia(Late Paleozoic radiolaria),Japan
PP. 119 - 129
Geology of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt in western Kii Peninsula, Japan
Hirota Yoshio
PP. 131 - 142,地図1枚
Steady-State Analysis of Adaptive Notch Filter Using Error Spectrum Shaping
Nishimura Shotaro
PP. 143 - 150