
Current Issue
Geological reports of Shimane University
.Volume 4
James HUTTON (1726-1797) 1 : before the publication of "Theory of the Earth"
Kobayashi Hideo
PP. 1 - 12
LYMAN's Journey through the Sanin district (Part 1)
Okubo Masahiro
PP. 13 - 26
Note on actinolite : hornblende intergrowth and its subsolidus reequilibration in a plutonic rock
Yamaguchi Yoshiaki
PP. 27 - 32
A note on the metamorpic ages and rocks in the Sangun terrane
Watanabe Teruo Grapes Rodney H.
PP. 33 - 39
Petrograohy of the Sangun metamorphic rocks in the Hazumi area, Gotsu City, Shimane Predecture
Sengan Hiroshi
PP. 41 - 59
Greenschists og the Sangun metamorphic terrane in the southern Katsuyama district, Okayama Prefecture
Sano Sakae
PP. 61 - 68
Stratigraphy of alkaline rocks in western part of Dogo, Oki Islands
Ishida Hideaki
PP. 69 - 79
Some problems on the mineral compositions calculated from chemical analyses of argillaceous rocks
Shimada Ikuro
PP. 81 - 89
Stratigraphy and structure of the Higuchi Group (Lower Jurassic), Muikaichi-cho, Shimane Prefecture
Naka Takahito Tokuoka Takao Sano Sakae Watase Hiromichi Nishimura Kouichi Kuinose Masafumi Hashimoto Keiji
PP. 91 - 104
Geological structure and predominant direction of horizontal displacement by particle motion
Mitsunashi Takashi Noguchi Tsugumichi Yoshimura Mitsuru
PP. 105 - 114
Pollen analysis of Latest Holocene sediments in and around Lakes Shinji-ko and Naka-no-umi
Onishi Ikuo
PP. 115 - 126
Natural history of the Nakano-umi and Shinji Lakes 4 : Echo-sounding of the Lake Shinji by ATLAS DESO
Naka-no-umi and Shinji-ko Research Group
PP. 127 - 132