Shimane University Faculty of Science Department o
Current Issue
Geological reports of Shimane University
.Volume 1
PP. [1] -
PP. 1 - 28
Natural history of the Naka-No-umi and Shinji Kajes 1 : Preliminary reports of core sampling and various investigations
Naka-no-umi and Shinji-ko Research Group
PP. 29 - 46
Middle Miocenemolluscan assemblages from Akabana, Kokubu-cho, Hamada City
Tsuru Toshiyuki
PP. 47 - 52
Application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) to sedimentary geology : An analytical example of hydrocarbons in the Miocene argillaceous sediments from Shimane Peninsula
Shimada Ikuro
Suzuki Noriyuki
PP. 53 - 60
PP. 61 - 62
K-Ar age of mica schist in the Mikabu greenstones, Ina district, Nagano Prefecture, Central Japan
Watanabe Teruo
Yuasa Makoto
Goto Hayaji
PP. 63 - 66
Shells dredged from the Sakai Pass : Notes on Recent molluscs from the San-in district (1)
PP. 67 - 68
PP. 69 -
PP. (1) -