Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
Shimane Journal of Medical Science

アクセス数 : 1012
ダウンロード数 : 59
Shimane journal of medical science 5 巻 2 号
1981-12-01 発行

Percentile Values of Blood Pressure in Childhood, and Anthropometric Measurements in Normotensive and Hypertensive Children -The Shimane Heart Study

西尾 利一
阿部 勝利
斎藤 正一
羽根田 紀幸
渡辺 弘司
岡畠 進
森 忠三
m003000502006.pdf ( 422 KB )
The percentile values of blood pressure were calculated in 1,546 healthy Japanese children aged 4 to 17 years. Systolic blood pressure was increased with chronological age and correlated with body length, body weight,lean body weight, body surface area, upper arm length and upper arm circumference.
Anthropometric values of 119 hypertensive children were also measured. In these children there was a tendency toward obesity, as the following anthropometric values were larger in these children; ,body weight, body surface area, ponderosity, upper arm circumference and skin fold thickness.