Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University
Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
Shimane Journal of Medical Science

アクセス数 : 971
ダウンロード数 : 45
Shimane journal of medical science 4 巻 2 号
1980-12-01 発行

Clinical Study of Hydrogen Peroxide Infusion for Paranasal Carcinoma

涌谷 忠雄
小林 仁和
m003000402009.pdf ( 673 KB )
The oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions in the normal and tumor areas with 0.12% hydrogen peroxide infusion were measured continuously with a medical mass spectrometer at the beginning of infusion and after several infusions, in 17 patients with paranasal carcinoma.
There was no significant difference in the oxygen tension in tissue between the normal area and tumor area at the beginning of infusion.
The oxygen tension rose slowly after the start of infusion, reached a peak at around the end of infusion and fell off rapidly (rapid down type) after completion of infusion, in many patients, both in the normal and tumor areas at the beginning of infusion,while the slow down type or slow up type was observed in many cases after several infusions.
The oxygen tension and the margin of rise after several infusions were low compared with findings the beginning of infusion, both in the normal and tumor areas.
The carbon dioxide tension of infusion showed no marked variation.
When the preoperative effect was studied by Shimozato's classification, only 28.6% of the cases were judged to be cases of Grade III. The 5-year survival rate was 50 percent.