
Current Issue
Bulletin of Shimane Medical University
.Volume 4
Androst-16-ene Synthetase of Boar Testis : Formation of Androst-16-ene from Progesterone by the Soluble and the Gel Filtrated Fraction
Tsunezumi Sachie Nakada Fujinori
PP. 1 - 13
An Analytical Study of Long Jumping Ability With Special Reference to the Lower Limb's Muscular Strength
PP. 15 - 24
Cbarcot's Lecture on Tuesday
Ishino Hiroshi
PP. 25 - 38
A case with Triple Diverticula in the Alimentary Tract: Esophagus, Duodenum and Ascending Colon
Nagaishi Taiichiro Yaita Akira Nakamura Teruhisa
PP. 39 - 45
The Denial of Mutability in the Book of Job
Kobayashi Sadayoshi
PP. 1 - 28
The Structure of Ogai's ”Als ob”
Kurokawa Masami
PP. 29 - 41