
アクセス数 : 1059
ダウンロード数 : 87
島根医科大学紀要 Volume 16
published_at 1993-12-01

dBASE III PLUSによる文献管理プログラムの作成

Computer Programs to Control Bibliographical Informations Designed by dBASE III PLUS
Hiruki Takeo
m0020016002.pdf ( 871 KB )
Multiple computer programs were designed with dBASE in PLUS Ver.2.0J for speedy detection of literatures. These programs are divided into three major groups, namely, first group which enables to detect the literatures related to the intented matter, the second group which enables to print a bibliography card and a list of the literatures detected by an certain concept, last group which enables to edit, append and delete what the user wants. Usage of these programs increased enormously an efficiency in detecting literatures and manuscript preparation in comparison with no usage of them. This paper shows a flow chart of the programs and representative 7 programs, and explicates the content of the respective program which is not only from above mentioned 7 but also from all of the programs related to this system of literature control.