島根大学法文学部紀要. 文学科編

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
.Volume 1
PP. 1 - 12
Language & Conduct
Inoue Yasuhide
PP. 69 - 78
On the System of Determiners : A Critical Survey of Hierarchical NP Hypothesis
Ishikawa Kiyofumi
PP. 79 - 96
On Another Relative Clause of Time
Tanaka Minoru
PP. 97 - 106
Matthew Arnold : 'Switzerland' Poems -'will'and 'must'-
Yoshimura Akio
PP. 107 - 128
Themes in American Literature : <American Innocence> and <Initiation>
Ichikawa Hiroyoshi
PP. 129 - 148
Notes on Stephen Crane's 'The Open Boat'
Yamana Shoji
PP. 149 - 156
Uber den Rhythmus im Heliand
Ojima Kazuyoshi
PP. 157 - 172
Das Problem der Wanderschaft in der Lyrik Georg Trakls(I)
Terai Toshimasa
PP. 173 - 192
Lecture de <Cortege> d'Apollinaire(I)
Aoki Kenji
PP. 193 - 220
Attitudes and Information Integration Theory
Inomata Satoru
PP. 221 - 244
A Study of Cognitive Processes of Ambiguous Figures
Matsukawa Junko
PP. 245 - 264
Index of Vocabulary in Minamotono-Shitagou-shu
Sota Fumio Nishida Chiharu
PP. 265 - 284
The Vocabulary of China's National Minorities(1)
Nishiwaki Takao
PP. 285 - 309