島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

アクセス数 : 1060
ダウンロード数 : 154
島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学 4 巻
1970-12-28 発行

理科教育における教材削除の方法 : 物理教材に関して

Elmination of Teaching Materials in the Program of Science Education : in the case of Physics
井藤 芳喜
b005000400k005.pdf ( 1.41 MB )
With the advancement of science in recent years, there is seen a sharp increase of new developments in the field of natural science. Consequently, this has been reflected in the science program resulting in an increasing tendency, these past few years, for abundance and variety of science materials and instructionaldevices in the classroom in order to keep pace with the high level of developments that the times demand in the field of science.
But, on the other hand, there has not been much change these last ten years in the number of hours of teaching the subject curriculum. Because of insufficient teaching hours but yet with demand for a ful-time study of the subject which is rich in content many teachers have been complaining of their not being able to meet their teaching load.
In our research concerning the above, we made a study based on the role of science education in itself and also in conforming to the modernization of teaching methods, re-consolidating the content of the physics course taught at the elementary school, junior high school and senior high school levels.
The following are points of standard we set as guiding principles in the re-consoli-dation of course materials and instructional devices.
1.Adopting of up-to-date and most modern content in present day science in replacement of traditinalcontents but with little value.
2.Omit content that is of the "applied science" type but instead haye them be taken up in the practical arts course such as "Industrial Arts" or "Home Economics."
3.Eliminate teaching devices that are obsolete and which do not fit in with our ever-changing way of living.
4.Eliminate teaching material even though they may be essential in motivating students' understanding of science but fail to maturities of students' potentiality.
5.In using teaching device, try to use as much as possible, audio-visual aids or actual objects rather than models.
In view of the above points we have given definite examples of our findings through our research on the possibility of re-consolidating the contents-course materials and instructional devices-in all aspects of physics teaching in the classroom.