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島根農科大学研究報告 9
1961-03-31 発行

納豆菌の粘質物に関する研究(I) : 粘質物の化学組成

On the production of slime substance by natto bacteria(I) : Chemical composition of the slime substance
松本 宗人
岩原 章二郎
Two mathods, alcohol-precipitation and Cu-salt methods, were applied for the isolation of the slime substance produced in the culture fluids of natto bacteria.
Glutamic acid, Methionine, Aspartic acid and one unknown amino acid were detected in the hydrolysates of the slime substances isolated by the two methods from the culture fluids of natto bacteria.
Polygutamate will be the main component of the slime substance of natto bacteria, because the main product in the hydrolysate of the slime was always glutamic acid.