Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 12
1978-12-20 発行


The Embedding of Generalized Inverse Semigroup Amalgams
Imaoka, Teruo
Let [ {S_1, S_2} ; U:] be a [left, right] generalized inverse semigroup amalgam. In [4], theauthor has shown that the amalgam is embedded in a [left, right] generalized inverse semigroupif S_1 is isomorphic to S_2. In this paper, we shall give a sufficient condition for the amalgamto be embedded in a [left, right] generalized inverse semigroup. Further, we shalll consider theembedding of [left, right] normal band amalgams. The notation and terminologies are thoseof [1] and [5], unless otherwise stated.