Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 10
1976-12-25 発行


Evaluation of Learning Effect
Nosaka, Yazo
Sugii, Muneharu
It is called in question that the data obtained from the tests in classrooms are generally too equivocal to evaluate the learning effect and to sequre informations useful for clarifying the thought process of pupils and also to improve upon the method of teaching.
It is necessary for us to develop adequate test items, to process indiyidualresponses and especially to classify incorrect answers, in order to evaluate correctly the learning effect of pupils.
This is a brief report on the informations extracted from test items of an electric condenser and results of an analysis of data obtained from 178 third grade pupils enrolled in one public junior high school in Matsue City.