Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 10
1976-12-25 発行


A Teaching to Find "The Law of Falling" by Deductive Method
Itoh, Yoshiki
Recent science instruction that emphasize the acquiring scientific inquiry are apt to lessen the pupil's interest in science and therefore weaken their will to scientific inquiry. We carried into effect the teaching which made them recognize the necessity of inference and find delight in discovering.
In our teaching to find "the law of falling" in the material of mechanics in junior high school science, we gave the definition clearly that the uniform motioms are not pressed by external force and accelarated motions are pressed by external uniform force. After clarifying these motions by experments and other activities pupils guessed what kinds of motion is "falling motion" by their knowledge recently acquired and by their daily experiences, and established a hypothesis, through their inference, which would be made sure by experiments.
Finally they found "the law of falling" by an experiment which designed to effect the inspection of evidence.
Through the analysis of various kinds of investigations on consciousness of pupils we achieyed the expected results.