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Shimane Univ. Journals
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Shimane Univ. Journals
Shimane Univ. Journals(Currently published)
Law and Literature
Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature and the Graduate School of Law, Shimane University(島大法學)
Journal of Economics(経済科学論集)
Memoirs of Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University(社会文化論集)
Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature(島大言語文化)
Studies of San'in region(山陰研究)
Studies of San'in region Extra issue(山陰研究センター報告集(『山陰研究』別冊))
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University(島根大学教育学部紀要)
Bulletin on Center for Research on School Education and Counseling, Shimane University(島根大学教育臨床総合研究)
Practical Research on School Education(学校教育実践研究)
Human Science
Shimane Human Sciences Research(島根大学人間科学部紀要)
Journal of social welfare studies(島根大学社会福祉論集)
Bulletin of Shimane University Faculty of Medicine(島根大学医学部紀要)
Shimane Journal of Medical Science
Science and Engineering
Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University. Series B, Mathematics(島根大学総合理工学部紀要.シリーズB)
Earth science reports of Shimane University(島根大学地球科学研究報告)
Life and Environmental Science
Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University(島根大学生物資源科学部研究報告)
Foreign Language Education
Journal of the Center for Foreign Language Education, Shimane University (島根大学外国語教育センタージャーナル)
Annual Report of Shimane University Museum(総合博物館年報)
Assoc. in SU