島根大学論集. 自然科学

Current Issue
島根大学論集. 自然科学
.Volume 16
The estimate Procedures after a Preliminary multivariate nonparametric Two-Sample test
Tamura Ryoji
PP. 1 - 11
System of Local Loops on a Manifold and Affine Connection
Kikkawa Michihiko
PP. 12 - 14
A Probable Magnetic Behaviour for Cr_2F_5
Takehara Toshio
PP. 15 - 19
Palaeomagnetism on the Environs of Cape Kawajiri
Asami Eizo Ito Haruaki
PP. 20 - 26
On Same Applications of Fluid Devices
Nosaka Yazo
PP. 27 - 44
On the Preparation of Magnetic Metal-Oxides for Tape-Recording
Yamamoto Sakujirou
PP. 45 - 89
Studies on the Blackish Substance found in Wasabi afflicted with Black Leg Disease (Eutrema Wasabi Marim)(1) : On the Tyrosinase Activity of Phoma Wasabiae Yokogi
Soga Osamu
PP. 90 - 97
The molecular interction observed in the specific volume of orgnic binary mixtures
Yamamoto Akira Takano Senseki
PP. 98 - 105
On Minerals Associated with Ultrabasic Rocks, Found in the Vicnity of Common Boundaries of Shimane ,Tottori,Okayama and Hirosima Prefectures(III) : Prehnite and Tourmaline(Dravite)from the Hirose Chromite Mine,Tottori Prefecture
Kitahara Jun-ichi
PP. 106 - 116
Growth of Mold on Vegetable Dyestuffs
Nishigami Kazuyoshi Toda Tyuyako
PP. 117 - 125
Soil Algal of γ-Irradiated Field and Natural Strongrly Radioactive District in Japan
Akiyama Masaru
PP. 126 - 134
Two Species of the fresh-water shrimps from Thailand
Kamita Tsuneichi
PP. 135 - 144
A Study on the Draught-Mechanism of the Draught Animal : On the Posture, Especially the Forward-Leaning Posture(Zenkei-Shisei)in Draught
Morimasa Sadato
PP. 145 - 175