.33 巻
PP. 9 - 18
PP. 19 - 27
PP. 29 - 37
Examination of tidal flat environment from geochemical analysis of suspended solid in relation to tidal change and of Zostera marina in Kasaoka Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Southwest Japan
石賀 裕明
佐野 絵里香
PP. 39 - 47
Geochemical evaluation of material circulation in the biomass of Zostera marina (submerged plant) at the tidal flat in Ise and Matsusaka areas, Mie Prefecture, Japan
PP. 49 - 58
Multi-element geochemical analysis of water quality, suspended solid, sediments and Zostera marina for evaluation of the tidal flat environment in Matsunaga Bay and surrounding areas in Bingo Nada of Seto Inland Sea, Japan
PP. 59 - 74
Morphometric analyses of the genus Anadara (Bivalvia; Arcidae) from the Miocene Kubota Formation in the eastern Tanagura area, Fukushima Prefecture, Northeast Honshu, Japan
鈴木 拓馬
林 広樹
PP. 75 - 88
Structures of andesite slopes controlled by columnar joints in the Katsura-jima Island area, Shimane Peninsula, Japan
彌富 涼子
横田 修一郎
PP. 89 - 100
PP. 101 - 102
