.18 巻
PP. 11 - 24
Stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene in the southwestern part of lzumo City in Shimane Prefecture of SW Japan,and subsiding properties ofits sedimentary basin
森田 浩史
中山 勝博
PP. 25 - 39
PP. 41 - 54
Th,Sc and rare earth element concentrations ofthe Paleogene and Neogene sedimentary rocks of Taiwan and Japanese lslands
PP. 55 - 67
Late Cretaceous Kaizukiyama granite,northeast of LakeBiwa,Southwest Japan
杉井 完治
澤田 順弘
PP. 69 - 84
Geologic Structure of the Sakurae Group around Gotsu City and Sakurae Town,Shimane Prefecture
小室 裕明
大塚 牧子
PP. 85 - 89
Carapace of Callianassa nishikawai Karasawa,1993(Crustacea,Decapoda,Callianassidae)from Midlle Miocene Masuda Group,Masuda City,Shimane Prefecture southwestern Japan
作本 達也
PP. 91 - 96
PP. 97 - 107
Selachian fauna from the Miocene Bihoku Group in Shobara area, Hiroshima Prefecture,southwest Japan
中野 雄介
PP. 109 - 125
