
.20 巻
Groundwater on Daikonjima lsland:problems with the freshwater−lens
熊井 久雄
PP. 27 - 40
Sedimentological survey in the Nachola and Samburu Hills areas,northern Kenya Rift,1998-1999
中山 勝博 澤田 順弘 実吉 玄貴 樫根 知夏子
PP. 1 - 12
Nasholapithecus buried under lahars 15 mllion years ago in the northern Kenya Rift:an event similar to the Armero Town tragedy in 1985,Colombia
澤田 順弘 中山 勝博 実吉 玄貴 山中 淳之 国松 豊 中務 真人 中野 良彦 辻川 寛 清水 大輔 高野 智 萩原 直道 マーティン ピックフォード 石田 英実
PP. 13 - 23
Neogene and Quaternary stratigraohy in Nakanokawa and its vicinity,Nara City,central Japan
河村 善也
PP. 25 - 40
Change of paleovegetation caused by topographic changei n and around a sedimentary basin of the Upper Miocene Tokiguchi Porcelain Clay Formation,central Japan
百原 新 齋藤 毅
PP. 49 - 58
Tephrostratigraphy of the Tokai Group on Ise Plain,central Japan
吉川 周作
PP. 59 - 67
Effects of bamboo invasion on the soils of broadleaf forests and their potential environmental impact
石賀 裕明 道前 香緒里 小寺 洋導 拝藤 幸太
PP. 83 - 86
Changes of geochemical compositions of bottom sediments related to the sea dyke in lsahaya Bay of Ariake Sea,Japan
道前 香緒里 石賀 裕明 近藤 寛
PP. 87 - 98
Geologic structure and stratigraphy of the Sakurae Group around Sakurae Town and Iwami Town,Shimane Prefecture
青山 美樹 小室 裕明
PP. 109 - 115
Thermal alteration of organic matter in Miocene Josoji black mudstones,southwest Japan : effect of igneous intrusion and artifcial heating
三瓶 良和 森崎 奈美 鈴木 徳行
PP. 117 - 124
Rb-Sr whole rock isochron age of the Yadagawa granite in northern Hyogo Prefecture,SW Japan
飯泉 滋 中村 利奈 大平 寛人
PP. 125 - 131
Micro folds of the Triassic Nariwa Group and old shallow slides on slopes in the Kawakami area,Okayama,Japan
横田 修一郎 杉山 光正
PP. 143 - 152
Changes of textures and hardness distribution in a borehole core sample of“Shirasu”(rhyolitic ignimbrite tuff)
横山 修 横田 修一郎 武田 伸二
PP. 153 - 161
Futami Volcano−plutonic complex,Cretaceous Takada period,Kisa area,Hiroshima prefecture,Southwest Japan : Evidence from Sr isotopic ratios of plagioclase in Takada Rhyolites
松本 一郎 澤田 順弘 加々美 寛雄
PP. 163 - 169
The public understanding of Earth Science on the Students of Shimane University
PP. 171 - 178
Accumulation of Arsenic in Microbial mats,Masutomi springs,Yamanashi prefecture
永井 香織 田崎 和江 田中 義太郎
PP. 179 - 188
Late Quaternary sediments of the Yumigahama sandbar,Tottori Prefecture,Southwest Japan
中村 唯史 重松 信治 徳岡 隆夫
PP. 189 - 194
Long-term observation of the behavior of the freshwater-lens in Daikonjima lsland and tritium concentration in the groundwater
三瓶 良和 徳岡 隆夫 上野 博芳 吹田 歩 井上 卓彦 西岡 清和 鈴木 重教
PP. 195 - 203
Analysis of echo sounding data in Lake Nakaumi area for reconstructing subaqueous extension of the Daikonjima Volcano and its 3D visualization
吹田 歩 徳岡 隆夫 上野 博芳
PP. 205 - 216
A note on the Daikonjima basalt : with reference to its research history an the Nakaumi Reclamation Project
徳岡 隆夫
PP. 217 - 226
Description of drill core samples of Daikonjima basalts at Nyuko,Yatsuka-cho,Shimane Prefecture,1998
澤田 順弘 木村 純一 山内 靖喜 徳岡 隆夫
PP. 227 - 229