田代 正之
奥平 耕右
.12 巻
Occurrence of Trigonioides from the Lower Cretaceous of Shikoku, and its significance
PP. 1 - 9
Occurrence and chemical composition of Bi-Pb-Ag-S mineral from the Nitihara mine, Kanoashi-gun, Shimane Prefecture
PP. 11 - 16
Guide for a grain-size analyzer with a settling tube system, and characteristics of its analysis
田村 嘉之
中山 勝博
PP. 17 - 22
Flume experimental study for estimation of bottom current velocity of radiolarian bedded cherts
道前 香緒里
石賀 裕明
PP. 23 - 28
Paleoenvironmental analysis reduced by azimuth orientation of Turritella(Miocene conical shell) at Tatamigaura, Southwest Japan(Preliminary Report)
PP. 29 - 33
PP. 35 - 43
Pollen flora of the uppermost Holocene from southem part of Lake Nakaumi
大西 郁夫
木寺 將仁
千田 信夫
PP. 45 - 52
Topography and sedimentary layers of the westem part of Lake Shinji by echosounding
田村 嘉之
PP. 53 - 66
New occurrences of the K-Ah(Akahoya) Tephra from the Nishikawatsu Historic Site, Matsue City
中村 唯史
PP. 67 - 70
