Author Tatano, Michiko/ Azumi, Fumika/ Kidd, Dustin/
Journal Title Bulletin on Center for Research on School Education and Counseling, Shimane University
Volume 16
Published Date 2017-08-31
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Author Ueda, Haruna/ Tatano, Michiko/ Tochigi, Mayumi/
Journal Title 島根大学教育学部紀要
Volume 50
Published Date 2016-12-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/38420
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Author Tatano, Michiko/ Fujihara, Saki/ Ueda, Haruna/
Journal Title 島根大学教育学部紀要
Volume 50
Published Date 2016-12-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/38421
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Author Tatano, Michiko/ Hirai, Sanae/ Kamano, Ikuyo/
Journal Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University
Volume 51
Published Date 2017-12-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/40760
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF