About the display of the number of downloads of the Institutional Repository of Shimane University SWAN

In the Institutional Repository of Shimane University SWAN, the number of downloads of the article is displayed on the metadata page. The number here should have been the total number of downloads from the time the PDF of the article was uploaded to SWAN to the present, but the number of downloads for the most recent 13 months was mistakenly displayed. We deeply regret this mistake.
At 10:40 a.m. on Thursday, June 3, 2021, we fixed this and now SWAN shows the total number of downloads, from the time when the PDF uploaded to the present, for each article.
Although there were several suggestions from university members about the possibility that the number of downloads was incorrectly displayed, we did not check sufficiently, and as a result, the correction was delayed. We will make every effort to prevent this from happening again in the future. Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Registering links to open access articles on SWAN

Our library collects the full-text data of articles for inclusion in the Shimane University Repository SWAN.
From now on, if the library staff can confirm that a paper published by a Shimane University faculty member in the past is Open Access and has not been registered on SWAN, we will register a link to the site where the full text of the paper on SWAN.
If you have any problems with the registration, please contact the following e-mail by Monday, November 30, 2020.

If you have any questions, please send an inquiry to the following contact.
Library Division, Planning Department
Mail: cat[at]lib.shimane-u.ac.jp  ※Please replace “[at]” with “@”.

Malfunction in Linking University Evaluation Database and the Institutional Repository(SWAN) and the Library’s Response

A malfunction in linking the University Evaluation Database (Evaluation DB) and SWAN has caused papers to be published on SWAN to not have been made public yet. We sincerely apologize for any trouble this may have caused.

Our response is as follows:

(1) Your achievements before AY2018 will be registered and published on SWAN sequentially by the end of AY2020. The university library will request faculty and staff to provide data copies of your papers.

(2) Your achievements after AY2019 will be registered and published on SWAN after the library imports the list of achievements from the Evaluation DB in October each year. The university library will request faculty and staff to provide data copies of your papers.

(3) We are considering modifying the linking function between SWAN and the Evaluation DB.

If you have any questions, please send an inquiry to the following contact.
Library Division, Planning Department
Mail: cat[at]lib.shimane-u.ac.jp  ※Please replace “[at]” with “@”.

・University Evaluation Information Database (https://www.shimane-u.ac.jp/introduction/management/self_check/evaluation_system/)…A database which is a source of Shimane University Researcher’s Database System (http://www.staffsearch.shimane-u.ac.jp/kenkyu/).
・Institutional Repository (SWAN) (https://ir.lib.shimane-u.ac.jp/en)…A website presenting papers authored by faculty members.