Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 21
1987-12-25 発行

中国地方で発見された石炭紀からジュラ紀 とくにペルム紀 の放散虫化石 抄録

Carboniferous to Jurassic (especially Permian) radiolarians recovered from the Chugoku region (a review)
Naka, Takahito
Abundant reports dealing with radiolarians and conodonts from the Carboniferous to Jurassic formations of the Akiyoshi-Nishiki Belt, Maizuru Belt, Kamigori Belt, Ultra-Tamba Belt, Sangun metamorphic belt, Nagato tectonic zone and Jurassic terranes in the Chugoku region of the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan are listed in this paper. Permian radiolarian localities are shown on a geologrcal map of this reglon, and specific names, assemblage names, ages and lithofacies are summarized. The Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy and geologic setting of each terrane are briefly discussed.