Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 21
1987-12-25 発行


Radiolarian Biostratigraphy of the Maizuru Group in Yanahara area, Southwest Japan
Nishimura, Kouichi
Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Maizuru Group was examined in the Yanahara area, eastern part of the Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan. Six radiolarian assemblages (A-F) are discriminated within the radiolarians from the Maizuru Group. It is disclosed that the age of the Maizuru Group in this area incldues whole of the Middle Permian based on the radiolarian biostratigraphy, which indicates rather older age than previously supposed. Five species of Pseudoalbaillella including two new species are described in this paper.