Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 20
1986-12-25 発行


Vegetative propagation and spore germination in Distromium decumbens(OKAMURA) LEVRING (Phaeophyta, Dictyotaceae) in culture
Kajimura, Mitsuo
Results of the present writer's observations on vegetative propagation and spore germination of Distromium decumbens (OKAMURA) LEVRING (Phaeophyta, Dictyotaceae) in culture are reported herein.
Vegetative propagation occurs from frond margin and rhizoids but the latter case is more common. Secondary frond produces the secondary rhizoids which also produce tertiary fronds producing tertiary rhizoids. Spores of this alga germinate according to the same pattern as the one known in Dictyopteris prolifera (OKAMURA) OKAMURA, D. undulata HOLMES, Spathoglossum pacificum YENDO, Stypopodium zonale (LAMOUROUX) PAPENFUSS and Zonaria diesingiana J . AGARDH .