Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 9
1975-12-25 発行


Experiments on the Conduction of Heat for Obtainning the Correct Concept of Heat
Itoh, Yoshiki
From our research we found that the correct concept on conduction of heat was not attained by the students in the traditional teaching method. Therefore, we devised a method of experiment on the conduction of heat which provided more correct concept of heat to the students than before.
In this experiment with the apparatus, one end of the metal rod was heated and the other end was dipped in water. With the rising of the water temperature, the heat capacity was measured. This was planned to apply the hypothesis by analogy from the model that the capacity of heat differs according to thickness, length and the material used in the rod. The experiment was carried out under confirming the above hypothesis, for give the evidence.
This method of teaching was put into effect to 5th graders in elementary school and we analysed the concept of learning and studied the general effect of this teaching method in education.