Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 15
1981-12-25 発行

分類概念の選好性に関する発達的研究 : 精神薄弱児におけるCA水準と概念選好性との関係

A Developmental Study on Preferences of Grouping Concepts : Relationship Between CA Levels and Conceptual Preferences among Mentally Retarded Children
Fukada, Hiromi
Fukada, Seiko
Kifune, Noriyuki
The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between CA levels and conceptualpreferences among mentally retarded children. In this study, two measures of conceptual preferences were used : the most preferred concept and conceptual preference response ; and four types of grouping concepts were used ; nominal concept, contiguity concept, form concept, and color concept. We analysed the effects of CA on the most preferred concept in Experment 1, and on conceptual preference response in Experiment 2. Both experiments showed that there was no relationship between CA levels and conceptual preferences. Additionally, our results showed that mentally retarded children preferred nominal concept to contiguity concept as the most preferred concept, but equally preferred nominal and contiguity concepts as conceptual preference response.