Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 11
1977-12-25 発行

小学校理科の教材と指導法に関する研究 : 「物の浮き沈み」を中心として

A Study of Teaching Materials and Malhods of Science in the Elementary School : On Floating or Sinking of Bodies in Liquids
Kawahara, Yorihito
The teaching in elementary school, usually the materials and methods on floating or sinking phenomenon of bodies in liquids have been dealt with a pattern of the problem solving method. But there are many points to be duly considered, especially the above mentioned method inapt for the actual condition of learning in elementary school children.
In this paper, we presented some comments on these teaching trends in the past, and gave some criticism on the details of the text books used up to date. And a new teaching program which is conceivable to fit into the actual condition of school children was presented.
We obtained some remarkable effects on the nurture of many interests for the subjects in the most parts of pupils, and their full understanding of the key concepts. These results areinspected statistically by t-test.