Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 11
1977-12-25 発行


Several Kinds of Evaluations in Industrial Arts Education And Their Applications
Morimasa, Sadato
In order to inquire into, and grasp, the relationship between the given conditions and their results in various kinds of expenmental lessons, it is necessary to have some reasonable and efficlent methods of their analysis and evaluation which are corresponded to them. In this paper, I would like to make a report of the methods of analysis and evaluation used in our experimental lessons : some of them were developed by the present writer himself from the viewpoint stated above, and applied in the experimental lessons, and others were those methods of evaluation which this writer picked up from among the methods that had been used previously, and that he found of especial siginficance in our application of them in the experimental lessons. The following are the methods used in our experimental lessons :
(1) The learning-element-checking method, and the answer-element-analysis method-the methods of evaluation of the essay-type tests.
(2) The substance-against-language-checking method, and the language-against-sub-stance-checking method.
(3)The product-evaluation method based on the concept of technology.
(4)The actual-skill-based evaluation method.
(5)Other special methods of inquiry into the learning-consciousness of the learners.