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島根農科大学研究報告 9
1961-03-31 発行


Some physical and chemical Properties of the Farm Soils in Shimane Prefecture
Misu, Hideo
Koshiba, Naohiro
Sano, Yutaka
Some physical and chemical properties of the farm soils in Izumo district, were measured and the average results are as follows :
1. Mechanical analysis :
Soils │ Coarse Sand │ Fine Sand │ Silt │ Clay │ Siol Class
Paddy │ 28.28 (%) │ 30.04 (%) │ 19.61(%)│ 20.18(%)│ Sandy loam
Field │ 28.61 (%) │ 23.87 (%) │ 17.98(%)│ 29.67(%)│ Loam
2. True specific grayity :
Paddy soils 2.51
Field soils 2.61
3. Apparent specific gravity :
Paddy soils 1.06
Field soils 1.12
4. Porosity :
Paddy soils 57.98%
Field soils 57.39%
5.Water capacity :
Paddy soils 51.62%
Field soils 45.97%
6.Total nitrogen :
Paddy soils 0.91%
Field soils 0.91%
7. Humus :
Paddy soils 3.37%
Field soils 4.01%
8. Exchange acidity (y_1) :
Paddy soils 3.80
Field soils 4.87