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島根農科大学研究報告 7
1959-03-31 発行

ニカメイガ幼虫体液の泳動蚕白について (予報)

On the proteins detected by paper electrophoresis in the blood of larvae of rice-stem borer
Tatsuyama, Kadzunori
Miura, Tadashi
The present paper deales with the results of the writer's experiments on the proteins included in the blood of larvae of rice-stem borer. 4 fraction of proteins were recognized in it under 0.5mA/cm for 4 hours using Veronal buffer solution.
(PH = 8 6 ionic-strength = 0.1)
By the invasion of Isaria farinosa (Dick.) Fr., the quantity of these proteins were likely to change, but present within the limit of the writer's experiments the definite tendency was very difficult subject to grasp.