"砥石層"の中にP/T境界が在るか : 付・トリアス紀古世の放散虫について

島根大学地質学研究報告 Volume 10 Page 47-52 published_at 1991-07-30
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c005010008.pdf 1.09 MB エンバーゴ : 2007-04-11
"砥石層"の中にP/T境界が在るか : 付・トリアス紀古世の放散虫について
P/T boundary occurs in the“Tolshi type”shale of Southwest Japan-Appendix : Early Triassic radiolarians
Title Transcription
トイシソウ ノ ナカニ P T キョウカイ ガ アルカ : フ トリアスキ コセイ ノ ホウサンチュウ ニツイテ
Yamashita Masayuki
Ishida Koutaro
Yamaoka Yuji
Goto Hirokazu
Source Title
Geological reports of Shimane University
Volume 10
Start Page 47
End Page 52
Journal Identifire
ISSN 0287816X
The P/T (Permian/Triassic) boundary is one of the most important boundary for phanerozoic geohistory which is said to be a drastic change of the lives between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. The boundary rocks have been examined in the shallow marine sediments of the Tethyan regions and less knowledge has been obtained from the pelagic sediments.
Recent progress of the radiolarian biostratigraphy together with conodont zonation reveals the probable Latest Permian cherts of Southwest Japan,and possible P/T boundary lies in the overlying "Toishi"rocks (siliceous claystones).
Presumed succession of the Late Permian to Early Triassic pelagic sediments is as follows in descending order.
1 probable Spathian (Early Triassic) bedded cherts
2 alternating beds of bedded cherts and siliceous claystones
3 siliceous claystones (Toishi rocks) including black organic mudstones
4 black mudstones
5 Late Permian Meoalbaillella bedded cherts
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Date of Issued 1991-07-30
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00054980
Remark 1-11 / 1982-1992