タイトル |
Crystal structure of U2 snRNP SF3b components: Hsh49p in complex with Cus1p-binding domain
著者 |
Van Roon Anne-Marie M.
Oubridge Chris
Sposito Benedetta
Newman Andrew J.
Seraphin Bertrand
Nagai Kiyoshi
収録物名 |
巻 | 23 |
号 | 6 |
開始ページ | 968 |
終了ページ | 981 |
収録物識別子 |
ISSN 1355-8382
EISSN 1469-9001
主題 |
splicing; U2 snRNP; SF3b; RNA binding; RRM
言語 |
資源タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
出版者 |
発行日 | 2017-06 |
アクセス権 | メタデータのみ |
関連情報 |
[DOI] 10.1261/rna.059378.116
[PMID] 28348170
備考 | We thank Yasushi Kondo for collecting data on the RRM1-Cusl (290-368)p complex crystals and LMB mass spectrometry facility for MALDI-TOF analysis of proteolytic fragments, Dr. Stephen McLaughlin for helping with fluorescence anisotropy data analysis, and the staff at Diamond Light Source beamline 102 and European Synchrotron Radiation Facility beamline ID14-3 for their assistance. We also thank Elena Conti and Sebastian Falk for communicating their unpublished results. We are grateful to Lisa Strittmatter and Pei-chun Lin for critical reading of the manuscript. This project was supported by the Medical Research Council (MC_U105184330), a Wellcome Trust Travelling fellowship, and an MRC career development fellowship (E.O.). B.Sp. was supported by Humanitas Research Foundation. B.Se. was supported by the CNRS, the CERBM-IGBMC and INSERM, the grant ANR-10LABX-0030-INRT, a French State fund managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the frame program Investissements d'Avenir ANR-10-IDEX-0002-02, and the Ligue Contre le Cancer (Equipe Labellisee 2014). |