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Title |
Title |
Investigation of the protozoan distribution in the Shinji lake
Title Transcription |
シンジコ ニオケル ゲンセイ ドウブツ ノ ブンプ チョウサ
Creator |
Shigenaka Yoshinobu
Source Title |
Volume | 6 |
Start Page | 1 |
End Page | 6 |
Journal Identifire |
ISSN 13433644
Descriptions |
The Shinji lake is a big brackish water lake and demonstrates special habitation environment for protozoan distribution. Therefore, it is considered that it has composition of the species which are not seen in a pond or a swamp. However, detailed investigation about distribution of the protozoans which inhabit the Shinji lake has not been performed. Then, distribution investigation of the protozoans of the Shinji lake was performed and 41 species of three kinds were observed to be alive there. Consequently, it became clear that there were few kinds of marine protozoan and fresh water protozoan occupies most. Moreover, it became clear by the observation point that big variation are in species composition.
宍道湖の湖水はそこに生息する生物にとっては汽水という特殊な生息環境となっており,単細胞生物である原生動物においても,他の池や沼や湖などの淡水中では見られない種の構成になっていると考えられる.しかしながら,宍道湖に関する限り,原生動物の分布や生態などに着目した詳しい調査は,現在に至るまで実施されたことはなく,未だ不明な点が多いまま残されてきている.さらに,原生動物の種の構成はその水域の水質を非常によく反映することが知られており,宍道湖の水質を知る上で重要な手がかりとなると考えられる.近年,宍道湖の水質の悪化が懸念されており,原生動物の種構成の調査が緊急な課題となっている. そこで,本研究においては宍道湖に生息する原生動物の種を可能な限り調査し,その構成や多様性や生態を明らかにすることを目的とした. |
Language |
Resource Type | departmental bulletin paper |
Publisher |
Shimane University, Faculty of Life and Environmental Science
Date of Issued | 2001-12-20 |
Publish Type | Version of Record |
Access Rights | open access |
Relation |
[NCID] AA1112906X
Remark | 1-12+ / 1996-2007 |