
島根農科大学研究報告 Volume 9 Page (A-1)7-9- published_at 1961-03-31
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d0020009n002.pdf 500 KB エンバーゴ : 2002-07-10
Symptoms on Saline Leaves after Elmination of NaCl
Title Transcription
エンスイ ヒガイ ヨウ ニオケル ジョエン ゴ ノ ヒガイ
Ogo Tatsuo
Source Title
Volume 9
Start Page (A-1)7-9
Journal Identifire
ISSN 05598311
For the purpose of supplement of previous reports, the author demonstrated the relation between the salinized duration and the effect of NaCl-elimination. On the changes of symptoms after elimination of NaCl, rice plants (var. Asahi) cultured on sand medium were treated by saline solution with 0.8% NaCl and after the elapse of a given pericd (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days), non saline solution was used as a irrigation water in place of saline solution.
The rates for development of leaf-burn symptom decreased in any leaf blade classified according to leaf-order immediately after elimination of NaCl in the rhizosphere (Fig 1, 2) and the effect of NaCl-elimination changed with the salinized duration (Fig 3). The decreasing rates were considerably larger in shorter salinized duration and also larger in the case of less symptom at the beginning of NaCl-elimination. So far as this experiment went, the salinized duration connected with the effect was divided into three groups, viz. 1-3, 4-6, and 7 days, especially the effect of NaCl-elimination decreasing markedly for plants belonged to third group (7 days) and it might be involved in the fact that a sudden change of total symptoms in a saline plant took place after the elapse of about one week. The developmental rates of leaf-burn symptom on the symmetrical leaves between main stem and tiller did not fluctuate in any treatments as salinization and NaCl-elimination (Table 1).
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
The Shimane Agricultural College
Date of Issued 1961-03-31
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00108241
Remark A,Bを含む