締固め不飽和土の二次圧密について(IV) : 供試体の厚さと圧密時間の圧密特性への影響

島根大学農学部研究報告 5 巻 90-94 頁 1971-12-15 発行
アクセス数 : 1035
ダウンロード数 : 79

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d0030005n015.pdf 651 KB エンバーゴ : 2002-06-06
締固め不飽和土の二次圧密について(IV) : 供試体の厚さと圧密時間の圧密特性への影響
Secondary Consolidation of Compacted Partly Saturated Soils(IV) : The Influence of the Thickness of Specimens and the Duration of Consolidation on the Behaviour of Consolidation
タイトル 読み
シメカタメ フホウワド ノ 2ジ アツミツ ニツイテ 4 シキョウタイ ノ アツサ ト アツミツ ジカン ノ アツミツ トクセイ エノ エイキョウ
鳥山 晄司
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University
開始ページ 90
終了ページ 94
ISSN 0370940X
The characteristics of consolidation of compacted soils wet of optimum moisture content are changed with the thickness of sample H and the duration of consolidation T_c.
The coefficient of volume compressibility m_v of compacted soils greatly increases with the decrease of consolidation pressure p and with a decrease in the sample thickness H. The duration of consolidationT_c also affects m_v, but the effect of T_c is remarkably smaller than those of p and H.
The rate of secondary consolidation dε/d log t also increases with the increase of p and with a decrease in H.
The increases of m_v and dε/d log t with a decrease in H are especially remarkable when the thickness H is smaller than2.0cm. According to this fact, the characteristics of consolidation of samples smaller than 2.0cm thickness may be different from those of samples greater than 2.0cm thickness.
The relation between H and the ratio of initial compression R_i and the relation between H and the ratio of first compression R_1 are slightly affected by the change of the dulation of consolidation T_c, but the relation between the ratio of secondary comp ression R_2 is changed greatly when T_c is taken as one day or H^2/4day. This is due to the change of duration of secondary compression.
資源タイプ 紀要論文
Shimane University, Faculty of Agriculture
発行日 1971-12-15
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[NCID] AN00108015