農業集水域からの汚濁物質流出特性(I) : 水質変動と流出負荷量

島根大学農学部研究報告 Volume 25 Page 99-102 published_at 1991-12-21
アクセス数 : 1375
ダウンロード数 : 138

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d0030025n016.pdf 747 KB エンバーゴ : 2001-10-07
農業集水域からの汚濁物質流出特性(I) : 水質変動と流出負荷量
Pollution Loading Outflows from an Agricultural Basin(I) : Characteristics of Concentrations and Loadings
Title Transcription
ノウギョウ シュウスイイキ カラノ オダク ブッシツ リュウシュツ トクセイ 1 スイシツ ヘンドウ ト リュウシュツ フカ リョウ
Source Title
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University
Volume 25
Start Page 99
End Page 102
Journal Identifire
ISSN 0370940X
Water qualities and discharge were monitored regularly in the agricultural basin during two irrigation periods and one non-irrigation period. The rate of paddy field in the basin changed within two irrigation periods, I.e. 36% (1988) and 45% (1989) due to conversion to upland field. The loadings were calculated onlyin the dry-weather days,bocause there was a little problem in measuing the discharge.
At the lowest end of the basin, the average concentrations of T-N, T-P and T-COD during the irrigation periods were 2.13mg/1 (1988) 1.68mg/1 (1989), 0.171mg/1 (1988) 0.399mg/1 (1989), and 2.5mg/1 (1988) 4.5mg/1 (1989) respectively. The tendency was found that the pollution loading outflows were higher than the inflow by irrgation. Furthermore [0utflow loading]-[Inflow loading]during the irrigation period in 1989 were higher than 1988. This may be caused by the large amounts of loading from the paddy fields in the basin.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Shimane University, Faculty of Agriculture
Date of Issued 1991-12-21
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00108015