日本産カマバチ類の生態に関する比較研究(2) : クロハラカマバチの発育速度と温度の関係

島根大学農学部研究報告 Volume 17 Page 147-151 published_at 1983-12-20
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d0030017n025.pdf 524 KB エンバーゴ : 2001-10-08
日本産カマバチ類の生態に関する比較研究(2) : クロハラカマバチの発育速度と温度の関係
Comparative Studies on the Biology of Dryinid Wasps in Japan(2) : Relationship between Temperature and the Developmental Velocity of Haplogonatopus atratus ESAKI et HASHIMOTO (Hymenoptera : Dryinidae)
Title Transcription
ニホン サン カマバチ ルイ ノ セイタイ ニ カンスル ヒカク ケンキュウ 2 クロハラカマバチ ノ ハツイク ソクド ト オンド ノ カンケイ
Source Title
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University
Volume 17
Start Page 147
End Page 151
Journal Identifire
ISSN 0370940X
The 3rd instar nymphs of L. striatellus attacked by H. atratus were immedietly reared at 15℃, 20℃, 25℃ and 30℃ under 16 hours lighting.
The developmental period of H. atratus from the egg to the adult emergence was 117.1 days at 15℃, 43.3 days at 20℃, 23.8 days at 25℃ and 20.2 days at 30℃. The developmental period had a remarkable difference between 15℃ and 20℃, but it showed a little difference between 25℃ and 30℃.
There was a large fluctuation in the developmental velocity of parasites when they were in the host. The 3rd instar of host nymphs, attacked by the parasite, can grow up to be a 5th larvae or adults ; and the parasite larvae hatched from the host adult required longer developmental period than those from the 5th instar larvae.
The regression equation of developmental velocity from the egg to the adult emergence was shown by Y=0.0028X-0.0322, developmental zero was 11.5℃ and thermal constant was 357.2 degree-days. If the generations of parasite are caluculated using the develop mental zero, the themal constant, and the mean temperature in Matsue, it has 5 generations in a year.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Shimane University, Faculty of Agriculture
Date of Issued 1983-12-20
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00108015