
アクセス数 : 1232
ダウンロード数 : 64
島根大学地球資源環境学研究報告 Volume 24
published_at 2005-12-27

Major and trace element abundances in <180 and 180-2000μm fractions of stream sediments from the Hii River, Shimane Prefecture, Japan

Ortiz Edwin
c006024005.pdf ( 1.1 MB )
Stream sediments collected from 47 localities in the Hii River of Shimane Prefecture were hand sieved to separate the < 180μm and 180-2000μm fractions.Major and trace compositions of both fractions in each sample were determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis.Elemental abundances contrast significantly between the two size fractions.Average abundances of SiO_2,K_2O,Ba,and Rb are greater in the 180-2000μm fractions,whereas the remaining elements are generally more abundant in the <180μm fractions.Loss on ignition values are also greater in the <180μm fractions.
Average compositions of both fractions show similar normalized distributions to average upper continental crust.The greatest departure from upper continental crust composition is observed in the <180μm fraction,with enrichment for several ferromagnesian elements(V,TiO_2,Fe_2O_3t,Sc)and for Zr,Y,and Th.In both fractions,Nb,CaO,Na_2O,Sr,Rb,MgO and Ni are slightly depleted relative to UCC.