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島根大学地球資源環境学研究報告 Volume 20
published_at 2001-12-28
Petrography and chemical composition of the constituent minerals of jadeitites from the Osayama ultramafic body in the Renge metamorphic belt,southwestJapan
Kashiwabara Y.
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A jadeitite block probably derived from serpentines of the Osayama ultramafic body in the Renge metamorphic belt is described petrographically.The jadeitite(Osa-1)consists mostly of jadeite,with subordinate omphacite,diopside,wollastonite,pectolite,prehnite,grossular,calcite,vesuvianite,Naamphibole,Na-Caamphibole,phlogopite,serpentine,chlorite and chromite.The clinopyroxenes in Osa-1 are classified into jadeite,omphacite and diopside.The chemical compositions of clinopyroxenes depend on the mode of their occurrence.Clinopyroxenes forming columnar crystals in the massive jadeitite portions consist of jadeite(Jd_<84-100>),and columnar or acicular crystals in fracture zones are omphacite(Jd_<32-45>).Clinopyroxenes occurring in veins are classified into jadeite-omphacite(Jd_<74-83>),omphacite(Jd_<41-54>)and diopside(Jd_<0-9>).Clinopyroxenes occurring as aggregates of acicular crystals are diopside(Jd_<0-2>).
Ca-rich minerals such as diopside,prehnite,vesuvianite,calcite,wollastonite,pectolite and grossular occur within veins or along cracks in a matrix consisting mostly of jadeite.This suggests that infiltration of Ca-rich fruid occurred at the later stage of a formation of the jadeitites within these serpentinite body.
Ca-rich minerals such as diopside,prehnite,vesuvianite,calcite,wollastonite,pectolite and grossular occur within veins or along cracks in a matrix consisting mostly of jadeite.This suggests that infiltration of Ca-rich fruid occurred at the later stage of a formation of the jadeitites within these serpentinite body.
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