
.17 巻
Geochemical implication for the maximum flooding of the Jomon transgression in the coastal lagoon sediments, San'in distdct, SW Japan
PP. 11 - 20
Geochemical indicatlon of contrasting Holocene sediments related to sea-level change in coastal lagoon of the San'in dist-ct, Southwest Japan
PP. 21 - 30
Structural relation between Triassic Nariwa Group and overlying limestone bodies in Kawakami, central Okayama, Japan
横田 修一郎 松村 聡明 島内 健
PP. 31 - 47
Guide for a laser diffraction particle size analyzer, and its data characteristics
中山 勝博 草野 高志
PP. 49 - 56
Geochemical compositions of the Miocene sedimentary rocks in Oki-Dogo(Shimane), Yatsuo(Toyama), Oga Peninsula and Taiheizan(Akita)areas of Japan
山崎静子 道前 香緒里 石賀 裕明
PP. 69 - 96
Geochemical composition of the Iinoyama diatomite of the Oki-Dogo Islands, Shimane Prefecture, Southwest Japan
山崎静子 坪倉 直子 道前 香緒里 石賀 裕明
PP. 97 - 100