
Current Issue
.Volume 13
Alkali feldspar in quartz syenite from Oki-Dozen island, Japan
Nakano Satoshi
PP. 1 - 8
Geologic and geothermal structure of the Osaka Plain, Southwest Japan (Preliminary Report)
Ishiga Hiroaki Sato Mitsuo Nishikawa Kazufumi
PP. 23 - 30
Reexamination of the pollen analysis of HB 1 core at the mouth of River Hii, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Onishi Ikuo
PP. 31 - 36
Preliminary study of the Paleo-Yodoe Lagoon
Nakamura Tadashi Tokuoka Takao Akasaka Masahide
PP. 37 - 40
Subsurface geometry of the Iinashi Delta, Yasugi City, Shimane Prefecture
Masui Takashi Wada Naomi Sato Tutomu
PP. 41 - 45
New occurrence of Operculina from the Tottori Group, and its biostratigraphical and paleozoogeographical significance
Matsumoto Toshio Seto Koji
PP. 47 - 56
Transgression of the Japan Sea in the Middle Miocene as shown by stratigraphic variations of total organic carbon and sulfur concentrations of mudstones near the boundary of Koura and Josoli Formations, eastem Shimane Peninsula, Japan
Kogane Noritaka Imaoka Yusaku Ueda Yauhiro Sampei Yoshikazu Suzuki Noriyuki
PP. 57 - 67
The future of earth science in high school education and the effect of the new course of study
Kawakatsu Kazuya
PP. 69 - 83