
アクセス数 : 1805
ダウンロード数 : 108
島根大学医学部紀要 30 巻
2007-12-01 発行

訪問看護サービスの利用を妨げる要因 : 島根県下における訪問看護ステーション管理者の認識

The factor of preventing utilization in home-visit nursing service recognition of the home-visit nursing station administer in Shimane
住田 佳子
加藤 典子
m0010030009.pdf ( 399 KB )
The purpose of this study was to identify how managers in home-visit nursing care stations recognize the fact that the utilization of this service was not increasing. The study involved 55 managers from home-visit nursing stations in the Shimane prefecture. Using questionnaires, the status of home-visit nursing and the reasons for its interruption were investigated in February, 2006. The factors behind the non-utilization of this service included non-opening on weekends, having to visit long distances, and less full-time workers. In addition, it was found that the usage of the service did not increase because of factors including high service costs, incompatibility with clients and their family, difficulty in understanding doctors and home care managers, and the service quality falling short of client expectations. The conclusions of the research were that managers should undergo training to improve their management ability, manager should be improvement of nursing practice ability, and use of home-visit nursing care services for younger clients should be promoted.